Revue de presse SNPL du 19 janvier 2024

* L'aéroport de Beauvais repousse l'arrivée de son nouvel exploitant * L’AESA propose le premier règlement à l’échelle européenne sur l’assistance en escales * Divorce entre CMA-CGM Air Cargo et Air France-KLM : des pilotes inquiets * La sécurité aérienne sous la pression de la hausse des cadences et du trafic * Wizz Air débourse 1,2 million de livres sterling pour des vols perturbés * La compagnie aérienne Spirit dans la tourmente après l’interdiction de sa fusion avec JetBlue * Malgré la guerre Hamas-Israël, Transavia repart vers Tel Aviv * Sanctions contre la Russie: la plus grande compagnie aérienne privée du pays réduit la voilure * PDG de DHL : la capacité de fret aérien reste disponible malgré les pressions de la mer Rouge * A Nevers, les collectivités tentent de relancer l'aéroport

Position Paper IFALPA: Dangerous Goods on RPAS and UAS

Whilst the transport of DG on manned aircraft is heavily regulated, in most States there is currently no set of regulations that controls how DG are transported by RPAS and UAS. The carriage of DG by RPAS and UAS should only take place at a level of safety equivalent to the one guaranteed by ICAO provisions for manned aircraft (...)

IFALPA Briefing Leaflet: Detrimental Effects of Identifying Crew Members in Accident Reports

The goal of every accident investigation is to discover the contributing factors of the occurrence. Crew members involved in an accident or incident are often willing participants in the investigation, knowing that they are contributing to aviation safety by providing the information required to prevent a reoccurrence (...)

Position Paper IFALPA: PED Smoke or Fire Response Kits

Some airlines have been providing containment bags or boxes to crew members as part of their Dangerous Goods smoke or fire response kits, to deal with a potential thermal runaway of PEDs. IFALPA believes that these items need to meet certain requirements before being considered suitable for use (...)

Position Paper IFALPA: Deidentified Accident Reporting

In an occurrence report, identifying the individuals involved has no safety benefit and can only lead to the attribution of blame or liability. The traits or experience that contributed to the event are sufficient in identifying safety risks and addressing measures of prevention (...)

Position Paper IFALPA: Carriage of Persons on Cargo Aircraft

Reference is sometimes made to Dangerous Goods Regulations to determine which persons are allowed onboard commercial transport aircraft (both passenger and cargo). This determination is not the role of the DG regulatory structure and goes well beyond its scope. The final decision to accept any persons onboard should be left to the pilot-in-command (...)