Position Paper IFALPA: CAVS-CDTI Assisted Visual Separation

CAVS is an Airborne Surveillance Application (ASA) to assist pilots in maintaining own separation from a preceding aircraft during successive visual approach procedures by showing its position and additional data on a cockpit display. The data of the preceding aircraft is derived from ADS-B Out, received by the succeeding aircraft via ADS-B In and presented to the crew on a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) which can be integrated in the usual navigation displays (...)

Position Paper IFALPA: Reduced Runway Separation Minima for Night Operations

22 August 2019 - IFALPA is opposed to Reduced Runway Separation Minima being applied for Night Operations. The provisions to reduce runway separation have been agreed worldwide and should be used accordingly. The documented safety assessment for every runway that will be used is a major aspect in reducing separation but maintaining a high level of safety. With more and more utilization of stable approach criteria and thus the higher possibility of conducting a missed approach, the separation standards between two succeeding departing aircraft should also apply between a departing aircraft and an aircraft conducting a missed approach.