Position Paper IFALPA: The Dangers of Reduced Crew Operations

There are numerous risks associated with reduced-crew and single-pilot operations. Most prominently, these risks stem from the increased workload for the remaining pilot, the elimination of a critical layer of monitoring and cross-checking and operating redundancy on the flight deck, and compromising the safety and security beyond acceptable levels of risk given the many variable emergency situations that may occur during a flight.

Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Changes to In-Flight Contingency Procedures for Oceanic Airspace

The ICAO changes to the In-flight Contingencies for Oceanic Airspace come into effect 05 November 2020. Full details can be found in 20SAB08 – Special Procedures for In-Flight Contingencies in Oceanic Airspace. Attached here is an Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA-I) Operations Bulletin identifying special procedures for non-weather in-flight contingencies.

Position Paper IFALPA: Safe Small Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Operating Rules

Advances in technology have resulted in the introduction of large numbers of small unmanned aircraft (UA), especially in populated areas. Commercial use is only expected to continue to expand. Many countries have adopted or are considering adoption of rules governing the operation of these new aircraft, also commonly referred to as unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or “drones.”

Position Paper IFALPA: Geometric Altitude

With the increasing equipage of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in commercial air transports, and the growing constellation of GNSS, the future use of Geometric Altitude throughout the flight profile might be possible and will bring added benefits such as reduced vertical separation and complementing trajectory flight paths. Geometric Altitude might be introduced above 15,000 metres because all aircraft able to reach these levels are GNSS equipped, but biggest benefit is seen during approach and departure. IFALPA supports research into a possible future transition from Barometric Altitude to using Geometric Altitude for sub transition level en route, and approach operations.

Joint IATA/IFALPA Statement: Safely Enabling the Global Air Transport Supply Chain

The impact of COVID-19 on the global air transport supply chain continues to be significant , with airlines struggling to cope with the unpredictable and ever-changing border restriction measures implemented by States. From the outset of the pandemic , these fluctuating border regulations impacted both the trave ling public and the transportation of crucial medical supplies . As a result, the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO) Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA)made public their initial “Harmonized Guidance on Facilitating Cargo Flights and Protecting Crew during the COVID-19 Pandemic ”.

Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Room Lockdown During COVID 19 Pandemic

Public health authorities may require in-room lockdown for crew members on layovers. This complete lockdown may have detrimental effects on mental health, especially if the layover is long, and if further quarantine is required at home base regardless of isolation during layover. It is not expected that operators or pilot associations would be able to remove these authority requirements, this safety bulletin suggests some mitigating measures that could be recommended.

Joint IATA/IFALPA Statement on Fatigue Management

IFALPA and IATA have worked together to prepare a joint statement calling on Operators to return to the use of existing flight and duty time limits (FTLs) or an approved Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS), as international operations start to recover. ICAO introduced alleviations, or temporary exceptions to existing regulations, to support the continuation of urgent operations in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, extensions to FTLs were granted for rare and exceptional circumstances seen at the beginning of the pandemic. As the situation is now more predictable, Operators are encouraged to work within the existing FTLs, or approved FRMS, and make adaptive mitigations as necessary to avoid extensions.

Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Use of Masks in the Cockpit

Currently, in many countries the use of face masks is recommended or compulsory especially if social distancing is not possible. In the recommendations of ICAO, CAPSCA, and IATA, the use of face masks in the cockpit while operating the aircraft has not been compulsory. When an operator makes a decision on mask use in the cockpit, it should involve a safety risk assessment. IFALPA's position is that flight crew should have the option to remove their mask in the cockpit when the door is closed in the interest of flight safety. This safety bulletin provides some factors that should be taken into consideration.

Safety Bulletin IFALPA: COVID-19 Guidance for Crews (update 8 December)

At all times, crews should follow the advice of their health authorities and operators. This Safety Bulletin provides general advice about COVID-19 as understood at the date of publication. It provides recommendations for crews for before the flight, during the flight and at layovers (update 8 December 2020).

Press Release IFALPA: States Urged to Follow Global Guidelines on Crew Testing

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) jointly called on governments to follow the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) guidelines to exempt crews from COVID-19 testing that is applied to air travelers. The CART guidelines specifically recommend that crew members should not be subject to screening or restrictions applicable to other travelers. Furthermore, according to CART health screening methods for crew members should be as “non-invasive as possible.”