Press Release: Norwegian wants to absolve itself of all responsibility for its French employees
Roissy CDG, April 29, 2021 – While the closure of the Roissy-Charles de Gaulle base by the airline Norwegian France and the dismissal of all French employees were announced last January, the SNPL France ALPA continues to note, and to deplore, that all French social regulations are flouted by the management of the company, whether in Ireland or in Norway! (...)
lire plusPress Release: Let’s not play with flight safety! SNPL France ALPA do not support the development of Single-pilot Operations (SPO)
Roissy-CDG, January 27, 2021 – SNPL France ALPA, one of whom’s main missions is to maintain and to increase air transport safety, is opposed to the implementation of Single-pilot Operations as suggested by the Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). In an interview on 20 January 2021, Patrick Ky, EASA Executive Director, told FlightGlobal that, regarding Single-pilot Operations (flight with only one pilot flying), he believes "this could be implemented quite soon (...)
lire plusPress Release SNPL easyJet: Threat to flight safety
Paris, 15th July 2020 - Some might accuse us of sawing off the branch on which we are sat, but the elected representatives of SNPL easyJet, on behalf of 96% of all pilots based in France, warn our customers and the regulatory authorities that easyJet...
lire plusPress Release: Profiteers do not know the crisis
Roissy CDG, 11th June 2020 – SNPL France ALPA recently became aware of unacceptable practices by companies seeking to take advantage of this unprecedented crisis which has hit aviation hard. A questionnaire sent by a broker agency (Brookfield aviation) in the midst of the crisis asking pilots what reductions in remuneration they were ready to accept in order to continue to exercise their profession. They were even asked if they were ready to work for free! We then thought we had hit rock bottom. Since then, another company has managed to trump even this.
lire plusOpen letter of Air France Unions in response to statements by the KLM Works Council
May 4th 2020 - It is an illusion to think that KLM would fare better without Air France. Air France unions reject the KLM Works Council’s allegations that it might be better to go it alone. As a reminder, when Air France bought KLM in 2004, KLM was nearly bankrupt. Since then, thanks to the Air France-KLM alliance, KLM has experienced exponential growth, taking full advantage of access to the French market, which is three times greater than in the Netherlands. The French market is and remains one of the largest, most attractive and most lucrative in the world, with 89 million international arrivals in 2018.
lire plusPress release: easyJet’s French contract employees are worried about their jobs if they were to be excluded from the short-time working scheme
March 20th 2020 - On 13 October 2016, France awarded the “Légion d'honneur” to easyJet's CEO Carolyn McCall in recognition of the creation of several hundred direct and indirect sustainable jobs in France. The company already operated one of the largest fleets of Airbus aircraft in the world, thereby supporting France's trade balance.
lire plusPress release: Open letter to French Aviation Managers
Roissy CDG, October 1st 2019 - As you often like to remind everyone, our businesses are a concern for all. Therefore, we would be justified in hoping that employees and leaders would be unified to rise up against attacks on this common entity, be it economic difficulties or attempts to destroy the social contract that we have built together over the decades. While you know how to make your voice heard in denouncing the government's abandonment of French air transport, you are totally silent when it comes to preventing the creation the catastrophic social policy that stems from its political dogmatism.
lire plusCommuniqué de presse / Press Release de l’European Cockpit Association : Ryanair employment relations: More instability ahead
19 septembre 2019 - Contestés lors de mouvements de grève au Royaume-Uni et en Espagne, enfermés dans des négociations infructueuses en Irlande, lâchés par un chef des opérations spécialement engagé pour faciliter l’entrée des syndicats dans l’entreprise, les dirigeants de Ryanair poursuivent désormais leurs propres pilotes pour avoir exercé leurs prérogatives de représentants syndicaux.
lire plusCommuniqué de presse/Press Release ECA : Ryanair on a confrontation course, again
Le 8 août 2019 - Les années se suivent et se ressemblent chez Ryanair. L’incapacité de la compagnie à engager un véritable dialogue social avec ses employés reste la même. Pire, les négociations collectives ne semblent plus une priorité pour ses dirigeants. Au travers de nouvelles menaces de suppressions de postes, la compagnie renoue avec sa traditionnelle stratégie de la confrontation.
lire plusPress Release SNPL/ECA: Before Boeing’s MAX return to service: we need answers and transparency
23 May 2019 - Regulators from across the globe are meeting today in Texas (USA), to discuss a possible return to service of the grounded Boeing 737 MAX. The FAA is currently reviewing Boeing’s proposed ‘software fix’ and is already looking ahead at taking the plane back to the sky. For European pilots, having closely followed the developments and revelations in the past months, it is deeply disturbing that both the FAA and Boeing are considering a return to service, but failing to discuss the many challenging questions prompted by the MAX design philosophy.
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