Position Paper IFALPA: Removal of “Causes” in Final Reports of Annex 13 Investigations
When mentioned in the report of an Annex 13 investigation...the word “cause” and its derivations have a strong potential for over-simplifying the many aspects behind an occurrence...IFALPA therefore reiterates that all instances of those words should be removed from this Annex and from the final reports of occurrence investigations conducted in accordance with it and replaced with "contributing factors"...
Position Paper IFALPA: Definition of Accident & Serious Incident
This paper outlines IFALPA's position that there are events outside the current scope of accidents and serious incidents that warrant investigations to establish lessons learned and improve aviation safety.
Position Paper: Definition of Accident and Serious Incident
This paper outlines IFALPA's position that there are events outside the current scope of accidents and serious incidents that warrant investigations to establish lessons learned and improve aviation safety (...)
Incident vol AF011
Ce mardi 5 avril 2022 au matin, l’équipage du vol AF 011 New-York - Paris a dû faire face à un incident majeur lors de son approche en piste 26L à l’aéroport de Roissy Charles de Gaulle.