Position Paper IFALPA: Removal of “Causes” in Final Reports of Annex 13 Investigations

When mentioned in the report of an Annex 13 investigation...the word “cause” and its derivations have a strong potential for over-simplifying the many aspects behind an occurrence...IFALPA therefore reiterates that all instances of those words should be removed from this Annex and from the final reports of occurrence investigations conducted in accordance with it and replaced with "contributing factors"...

Spécial Cometec n°11 – Janvier 2015

Assertivité, monolinguisme dans un cockpit, Batteries au lithium, Pay to fly, Big Data ou Conseil de discipline… Autant de sujets abordés dans ce spécial Cometec n°11, particulièrement riche, qui souligne la diversité des travaux de la « Cometec », la Commission technique du SNPL !