Position Paper IFALPA: Unruly Passengers
The term “unruly passenger” refers to any passenger who fails to respect the rules of conduct while on board an aircraft or refuses to follow the instructions of crew members, thereby disturbing good order and instruction and discipline.1 Unruly behaviour includes assault of other passengers or crew, sexual abuse or harassment, abusive consumption of alcohol and/or narcotics (...)
Position paper ECA: Prevention of unruly behaviour
In-flight unruly behaviour events can impact the well-being and travel experience of passengers, interfere with crew performance and/or threaten the safety and security of a flight and may result in aircraft delays and/or diversions. Because they require unplanned landings, these diversions create additional costs for airlines. ECA is worried about the number and degree of severity of incidents involving unruly passengers on board aircraft worldwide (...)
La Ligne 654 de janvier 2020 est disponible
Le 1er janvier 2020 marque l’entrée en vigueur du Protocole de Montréal de 2014 qui vient amender la Convention de Tokyo sur les infractions et les actes illicites commis à bord. Extension des compétences juridictionnelles, attribution de dommages et intérêts, impact sur les prérogatives du commandant de bord… autant de paramètres touchés par le nouveau texte. Retrouvez toutes les informations à son sujet dans ce numéro (...)