IFALPA Pilot Assistance Manual

This IFALPA Pilot Assistance Manual is intended to provide key information for Pilot Member Associations who wish to establish or enhance existing pilot support programmes. A central aim of the manual is to help operators and regulators understand the development and implementation of these programmes. Such knowledge is important so that they, and all relevant stakeholders, can endorse the establishment of the programmes. This will be fundamental to their success. This Second Edition represents a 2022 update of the original 2018 manual. Much has changed in the field of mental health and wellbeing for pilots since the original version was written, and this edition will refresh the manual with the latest developments and innovations.

Position paper IFALPA: Operational Opportunities to Reduce the Impact of Contrails and Aircraft-Induced Cirrus

Growing scientific evidence indicates that contrails, and especially aircraft-induced cirrus, have a significant overall warming effect. Chemical and physical processes can lead to contrail plumes and cirrus, depending on local atmospheric conditions (humidity and temperature), and on engine emissions (...)

Position Paper IFALPA: Long-Term Aspirational Goals for CO2 Reductions

The aviation industry has a record of achieving significant environmental improvements in the past decades. Since the beginning of the jet age, reduction of CO2 emissions per seat kilometer has been significant (80%) as aircraft structures, aircraft engines, and aircraft operations have become more fuel efficient. In recent years, this reduction has been, on average, 2.1% per annum. But more must be done to bring the aviation sector in line with the goals formulated in the Paris Agreement (...)

La Ligne n°682 de juillet-août 2022 est disponible

Un premier webinar concernant les futures règles en matière de gestion du carburant était organisé par l’EASA début juillet. Ces dispositions, prévues entre autres par un règlement européen publié début août, entreront en application fin octobre 2022, modifiant l’Air OPS notamment. Alors que le prix du carburant s’envole et que les considérations écologiques deviennent un enjeu sociétal, La Ligne revient sur les enseignements de ce webinar. Métavers : un concept apparu il y a seulement quelques mois mais dont de nombreux secteurs d’activité s’emparent peu à peu (...)

Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Notice of Strike by ASECNA Air Traffic Controllers

IFALPA invites its Member Associations to take note of this safety-relevant information in the attached Press Release from USYCAA – UNION DES SYNDICATS DES CONTROLEURS ARIENS DE L’ASECNA. Please note that this distribution is for your information. In all cases, please refer to your local state regulations and information, as well as your company guidance.

ECA Summer Disruption Checklist

This Checklist has been compiled by ECA to draw attention to a number of safety-relevant issues that crews are likely to be faced with during a period where the European aviation system is expected to be strained to the maximum. It is not intended to supersede or replace individual company procedures and should be seen as an additional awareness tool to ensure safe, reliant, and efficient flight operations.

Eléments à vérifier avant de signer une convention de formation

MAJ 9 août 2022 - Le choix d’une école de formation est important. Il est donc primordial pour les aspirants pilotes de se renseigner ou de vérifier un certain nombre de points avant de signer un contrat de formation qui va les engager financièrement sur une longue période. Le SNPL les invite par conséquent à consulter sa charte de bonne conduite, signée à ce jour par sept écoles de formation, et à effectuer une courte check-list avant de signer ledit contrat de formation.