Safety Bulletin IFALPA: New Runway in Hong Kong & its Approach Procedure

Hong Kong International Airport is expanding to a three Runways System (3RS). Its third runway was completed in 2021. The new “North Runway” was scheduled to be opened on 8 July 2022 and the existing “Middle Runway” will be closed for reconstruction. Taxi times are expected to increase to and from the new runway (...)

La Ligne n°681 de juin 2022 est disponible

Comme chaque année, les associations de pilotes membres de l’IFALPA se sont réunies le temps d’une conférence pour discuter de l’actualité internationale et définir ensemble les stratégies de la fédération pour l’année à venir. Il s’agissait de la première véritable conférence tenue en présentiel depuis la crise Covid. Nul doute qu’une certaine ferveur animait les participants, heureux de se retrouver pour discuter de vive voix de sujets cruciaux pour la profession. De crise Covid il fut bien entendu question mais également d’environnement, de conception avion, avec une présence importante des constructeurs, ou encore de culture SV. La Ligne revient en détails sur les moments forts de l’évènement (...)

ECA Conference Statement: 2022 – A summer of disruptions

Years of cost-cutting, social dumping and COVID crisis management are now wreaking havoc in Europe’s aviation. A summer of disruptions, flight cancellations and aircrew fatigue has started and will likely worsen in the coming weeks. This ECA Conference – representing 40.000 European airline pilots – mandates the ECA Executive Board to urge the EU Commission and EASA, national oversight authorities, airline managements and all relevant stakeholders to ensure that (...)

Position paper ECA – Securing a sustainable future for aviation

European infrastructure, providing essential connectivity and promoting socio-economic cohesion and timely supply of goods and services. This infrastructure is a public good, part of the wider economy’s backbone, and will continue to play an important role with regards to safely air-connected Europe. For these reasons, ECA is of the firm opinion that aviation must be part of the ‘green’ solution and set the basis now for being part of a safe and sustainable future transport system in Europe (...)