IFALPA Conference Statement: Global Pilots on Deteriorating Labour Conditions in Paraguay

The 76th Conference of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) in Singapore would like to draw the attention to the deteriorating labour situation affecting our colleagues of SAT Paraguay (Sindicato de Aeronavegantes de TAM) flying for LATAM Paraguay Airlines. The IFALPA Conference calls on the State of Paraguay and LATAM Airlines to respect pilots’ rights to free speech, their right to organize and the right to bargain collectively (...)

IFALPA Conference Statement: Global Pilots on Deteriorating Labour Conditions in the Asian Region

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA), the Global Voice of Pilots, held its 76th Conference in Singapore this week. The Federation would like to draw global attention to deteriorating labour standards affecting pilots in many parts of Asia. Most States in the region have ratified International Labour Organization (ILO) fundamental Conventions 87 and 98: the Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize Convention, and the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, respectively. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association, to form unions and engage in collective bargaining are guaranteed under these conventions (...)

La Ligne n°680 de mai 2022 est disponible

Commerce international et transport aérien sont depuis toujours intrinsèquement liés. La crise Covid est venue une nouvelle fois le confirmer. A l’heure où le transport aérien de fret connaît un véritable regain d’intérêt, qu’il s’effectue via les soutes des avions de passagers ou celles des avions cargo, la rédaction s’est penchée sur les relations entre le niveau des échanges internationaux et la densité des liaisons aériennes. Une synthèse réalisée, chiffres à l’appui, que nous vous livrons dans ce numéro de mai. Nous revenons également sur l’actualité syndicale marquée par une nouvelle victoire des navigants contre Ryanair dans l’affaire qui les opposait à la compagnie (...)

Communiqué de presse : SNPL contre Ryanair : une nouvelle victoire pour les pilotes !

Le SNPL a pris connaissance avec grande satisfaction du délibéré de la Cour d’Appel de Paris dans l’affaire, dite “Ryanair 1”, intervenu le 13 mai dernier. Après de longs combats judiciaires, elle vient confirmer la décision prononcée en première instance par le tribunal correctionnel d’Aix-en-Provence en octobre 2013 qui avait condamné Ryanair pour travail dissimulé, prêt de main d’œuvre illicite, emploi illégal de personnels navigants et pour entraves à l’exercice du droit syndical (...)

Position Paper IFALPA: Two-way Communications between the Flight Crew and the Operator and their Operations Centre

Many of the commercial transport aircraft have two-way communications between the flight crew and their operator and Operational Control Centre (OCC). One such system is the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) which enables the exchange of messages between the flight crew and their maintenance departments and airline dispatch while in flight. There are other ways such as Satellite communication via the SAT Phone and onboard WIFI as well as HF or additional VHF (...)

Joint Position Paper ECA&IFALPA: Streaming of Flight Data

IFALPA and ECA strongly support initiatives to improve search and rescue operations and the recovery of flight data recorders. However, they believe that the streaming of flight recorder data, other than as needed to track the location of an aircraft in distress, could introduce an unacceptable risk to the integrity of flight safety investigations. This is due to the possibility for such data to be compromised during transmission and storage (...)