Safety Bulletin IFALPA: New Approaches for Haneda

The new RNAV approaches for Runways 16R&L at Tokyo/Haneda airport have been implemented since March 2020. These approaches are set at 3.45° angle and used exclusively. However, the PAPIs for both of these runways are set at 3° which are to be used for standard 3° approaches. As of 2 December 2021, in addition to the existing 3° PAPI, a new set of PAPI angled at 3.25° have been installed for the following reason.

Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Aircraft Operations and Radar Altimeter Interference from 5G

This Safety Bulletin was created using the ALPA-International Safety Alert of the same name. Radar altimeter interference from 5G signals can take the form of loss of radar altitude information, or worse, incorrect radar altitude information unknowingly being generated. There have been fatal accidents associated with incorrect radar altitude, most recently Turkish Airlines flight 1951 in Amsterdam in 2009. The FAA have issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) intended to cover all transport category aircraft which will require an Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) revision effective 5 January 2022.

Position Paper IFALPA: Laser Attacks on Aircraft

The hazard posed by laser attacks against civil aircraft, specifically the deliberate targeting of flight crew with laser illumination to disrupt the safe operation of the aircraft, is a matter of increasing worldwide concern. Available data indicate that the frequency of laser attacks on civil aircraft continues to rise significantly. These strikes can result in distraction, disruption, disorientation and, in extreme cases, blindness and incapacitation.

Position Paper IFALPA: EMAS Depiction and Signage

IFALPA emphasizes the need for adequate and standardized depiction of Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS) on aeronautical charts and airport signage. IFALPA recommends that the presence of EMAS be described in the Airport Operational Information (AOI), depicted on Instrument Approach Charts (IAC) and Take-Off and Landing Performance Tools. Standardized signs should be used at the runway end to indicate the presence of an EMAS.

La Ligne n°674 de novembre 2021 est disponible

Alors que la COP26, grand rendez-vous annuel de l’ONU sur les changements climatiques, s’est achevée à la mi-novembre à Glasgow, peu d’informations ont été diffusées au sujet des débats concernant l’aérien, encore moins sur les décisions prises à cette occasion. Une journée complète de la COP était pourtant consacrée spécifiquement aux transports tandis que les acteurs du secteur se pressaient en nombre pour mettre en avant leurs efforts pour modérer son impact sur la planète. Partant de ce constat, nous nous sommes plongés dans les conclusions de la conférence (...)