Communiqué de presse : Accord “Ciel ouvert” avec le Qatar : le pari risqué de l’UE
Le Syndicat National des Pilotes de Ligne a pris note de la signature, ce jour, de l’Accord de ciel ouvert entre l’Union européenne et le Qatar, mais surtout de son application provisoire avant même la fin des procédures de ratification internes des 27 États membres. Cet accord de libéralisation des services aériens des marchés européen et qatari, négocié avant la crise de la Covid, mais que la Commission européenne et les États ont refusé de rouvrir alors que le contexte sanitaire, économique et social pouvait le justifier, permettra aux compagnies aériennes européennes et qatarie de pouvoir desservir n’importe quel État et n’importe quelle ville, sans aucune restriction en termes de capacités ou de fréquence des vols (…)
La Lettre d’information du SNPL National – Septembre 2021
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Winter Conditions at Finland Airports (update)
Safe winter operations normally require special procedures by airline maintenance, engineering, ground crew, and de-icing personnel. In Finland, FINAVIA and TRAFICOM publish an annual Safety Bulletin on winter conditions. The attached UPDATED bulletin focuses on operations in northern Finland but the content is relevant to other locations subject to similar weather. It provides excellent guidance for both flight crews and operators.
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Sydney Airport 16R Threshold Reconstruction
The following information has been shared by the the Sydney Airport authorities for the information of the global pilot community concerning the reconstruction of the threshold of runway 16R. Member Associations are encouraged to review and share this information (...)
Position Paper IFALPA: Disruption of Satellite-Based Signals
Modern air traffic relies heavily on the internal accuracy of aircraft systems and the aircraft's ability to monitor its own reliability. In recent years, satellite-based Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) services have been taking a growing part in the overall ATM system and aircraft are becoming more reliant on space-based signals (...)
Position Paper IFALPA: Loss of Communication with ATC
The tragic events of 11 September 2001 have drastically changed the way in-flight security incidents are managed. National Security Agencies are more reactive to any indication that could lead to security concerns, such as the prolonged loss of radio communication with ATC, also known as COMLOSS, but there is no consistency worldwide in the way these occurrences are addressed. In some countries, COMLOSS events have resulted in unnecessary interceptions of aircraft and/or administrative sanctions against the pilots involved, which will not solve the problem. In today’s complex radio communications environment, COMLOSS can be triggered by a number of factors, and these should be fully taken into account prior to any State reaction.
Position Paper IFALPA: Women in Aviation – Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter
Attracting women to the piloting profession is challenging but retaining them is even more difficult, despite ongoing efforts. Stakeholders in the aviation industry must focus on inclusion and work to remove existing barriers that preclude women from seeking careers in aviation. Now is the time to encourage women pilots to participate in training, leadership, and committee roles and provide a diverse perspective and voice at the table.
La Ligne 672 de septembre 2021 est disponible
A l’occasion du renouvellement des membres du Conseil de discipline du personnel navigant professionnel en fin d’année, La Ligne s’est penchée sur le rôle de l’instance et sur l’importance de la présence de représentants SNPL en son sein afin d’apporter une expertise pilote sur les cas examinés. Retrouvez en couverture de ce numéro 672 notre Focus sur le sujet. L’Actualité de cette rentrée est également marquée par plusieurs appels à candidatures (...)
Compte rendu du Conseil National du 8 septembre 2021
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Kabul FIR Updated Information 19 September
19 September 2021 - This Safety Bulletin (originally published 17 August 2021) represents a rapidly changing situation, updates may be published quickly. This information was received via the Kabul FIR Contingency Coordination Team (CCT) (...)