The new law on health crisis management: Introduction of the Vaccine Pass
Les Débats – Janvier 2022
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Use of Masks in the Cockpit
20 January 2022 - The use of face masks is currently recommended or compulsory in many countries, especially if social distancing is not possible. Many occupational health authorities, such as NIOSH1, require mask use if safe distances cannot be maintained while working in a small and closed environment.
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: COVID-19 Vaccines
Vaccines against COVID-19 are widely available in many parts of the world and aircrews are being vaccinated. This Safety Bulletin focuses on Background information on vaccines and addresses common questions pilots may have about vaccines and their use.
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: COVID-19 Guidance for Crews
At all times, crews should follow the advice of their health authorities, operators, or the health authorities of the destination country. The following is general advice about COVID-19 as understood at the date of publication.
Brèves internationales du SNPL France ALPA – Janvier 2022
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Maintaining Safe Operations with Radar Altimeter Interference from 5G
This Safety Bulletin was created using the ALPA-International Safety Alert of the same name. The Federal Aviation Administration has issued Airworthiness Directives (ADs) for aircraft equipped with certain Radar (Radio) Altimeters prone to interference by 5G Wireless signals. In addition, the FAA has issued Notices to Air Missions (NOTAMS) for specific locations where the presence of 5G wireless signals will interfere with aircraft radar (radio) altimeters beginning January 19, 2022. The power levels and proximities of the 5G signals are at higher power levels than any other deployment currently in use elsewhere in the world.
La Lettre d’information du SNPL National – Décembre 2021
La Ligne n°675 de décembre 2021 est disponible
Alors que nous nous apprêtons à tourner la page de 2021, la rédaction de La Ligne vous propose de revenir sur les faits marquants de l’année dans sa traditionnelle rétrospective. Nous avons choisi cette année de nous focaliser plus particulièrement sur le pavillon français et sur les compagnies possédant une base en France. Entre espoirs et incertitudes quant à son avenir, c’est un secteur aérien convalescent qui reprend peu à peu ses marques. Dans ce numéro 675, nous revenons également sur les temps forts de la conférence de l’European Cockpit Association (ECA) qui fêtait à cette occasion ses 30 ans (...)