Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Flying Into and Over Conflict Zones

As the war in Ukraine continues, the Federation is receiving worrying reports of military and non-military projectiles crossing FIRs adjacent to Ukrainian airspace. The latest event involved a UAS-type projectile crashing in the outskirts of Zagreb on 12 March, after flying through both the Bucharest and the Budapest FIRs.

Briefing Leaflet IFALPA: Visual Approach Considerations in the USA

This Briefing Leaflet aims to clarify the differences for Visual Approach operations in the USA for non-USA pilots in order for them to be better prepared to accept/reject them. It contains tables with an easy ‘checklist’ of actions and suggested scenarios followed by detailed procedures used in the US and things to watch out for (...)

Briefing Leaflet IFALPA: Pilots’ Responsibilities when Accepting Air Traffic Control Clearances

This concept must always be in the forefront of pilots’ minds during all aspects of operations including when receiving an air traffic control clearance, instruction, or authorization (“clearance”). Pilots must determine whether they are able to safely execute all aspects of any clearance received prior to accepting and executing that clearance. Pilots are obligated to inform air traffic control (ATC) if they are unable to accept a clearance as given. Pilots are also obligated to obtain an amended clearance at any time they are no longer able to execute a clearance that was previously accepted (...)

Flash Cometec n°4 « 5G et radioaltimètre : un point sur la situation »

Notre société moderne est en constante recherche de connectivité afin que les systèmes automatisés et appareils connectés puissent fonctionner 24h/24. Pour cela, elle a besoin d’élargir et d’améliorer son réseau internet mobile. C’est partant de ce postulat que la « 5G » a vu le jour. En novembre 2020, l’IFALPA (International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations), associée à l’IATA, a publié une note d’information de sécurité intitulée : "Problem statement - 5G interference with radar altimeter frequency band"), puis, début février 2021, la DGAC a publié sa propre note (n°2021/01). Ces informations de sécurité soulignent l'influence que pourrait avoir le réseau 5G sur les radioaltimètres de nos aéronefs. A la lecture de ces différents documents, la Cometec (Commission technique du SNPL France ALPA) fait le point sur la situation.

Position Paper IFALPA: CAVS-CDTI Assisted Visual Separation

CAVS is an Airborne Surveillance Application (ASA) to assist pilots in maintaining own separation from a preceding aircraft during successive visual approach procedures by showing its position and additional data on a cockpit display. The data of the preceding aircraft is derived from ADS-B Out, received by the succeeding aircraft via ADS-B In and presented to the crew on a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) which can be integrated in the usual navigation displays (...)

Briefing Leaflet IFALPA: ATC Deviation Issues in the Nicosia FIR

Following the 1974 invasion of Cyprus by Turkey, the administration in the occupied part of Cyprus (unrecognized by the United Nations) established, in 1977, the “Ercan Advisory Area” monitored by “Ercan” station. Its purpose was to seek to exercise air traffic control in the northern part of the Nicosia FIR/UIR and parts of the south- western section of the Ankara FIR/UIR (...)

Position Paper IFALPA: Implementation of the Future of Air Traffic Operations

The IFALPA Future Air Traffic Operations (IFATO) document - Second Edition - is guidance material for representatives Member Associations to help bridge the current work program of the committees with projected future topics that will affect our technical work. It should reside between the current work in ICAO working groups and panels and the very high level 18POS03 - IFALPA Vision for the Future of Air Navigation and Weather Information document.

Position Paper IFALPA: Implementation of the Future of Air Traffic Operations

The IFALPA Future Air Traffic Operations (IFATO) document - Second Edition - is guidance material for representatives Member Associations to help bridge the current work program of the committees with projected future topics that will affect our technical work. It should reside between the current work in ICAO working groups and panels and the very high level 18POS03 - IFALPA Vision for the Future of Air Navigation and Weather Information document.

Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Operations in US Class A Airspace Without ATC Communications or ATC Surveillance

As part of its contingency planning for the closure of air traffic control facilities, also termed “ATC Zero” (ATC-0), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is utilizing an airspace management strategy that allows operations during ATC-0 situations in Class A airspace. The ATC-0 operations are conducted without the availability of air traffic control (ATC) services, including aircraft-to-aircraft separation, ATC surveillance, and air-to-ground communications with air traffic controllers at an ATC facility such as an Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). Flight crews will generally be on their own to maintain safety in ATC-0 airspace.