La Ligne 694 de septembre 2023 est disponible
Les alliances de compagnies aériennes ont-elles encore une pertinence après la crise Covid ? Les grands équilibres entre alliances ont-ils été bouleversés par les événements ? Où en sont les alliances de compagnies low-cost ? Telles sont les questions que nous nous sommes posées en cette période de forte reprise de l’activité. A l’heure où de nouveaux challenges sont à relever rapidement par tous les acteurs de l’aérien, à commencer par celui de la décarbonation, La Ligne dresse un état des lieux de la situation de ces alliances (…)
La Ligne 693 de juillet-août 2023 est disponible
L’Inde est à l’honneur de ce numéro de juillet-août. Le pays connaît en effet depuis la fin de la crise Covid un formidable essor dans les secteurs aéronautique et spatial, comme en témoignent les commandes d’appareils signées par les compagnies aériennes indiennes lors du Salon du Bourget 2023 et l’alunissage d’un engin indien il y a seulement quelques semaines. Il n’en fallait pas plus pour que nous nous intéressions aux ambitions du Gouvernement indien et à celles des différents acteurs de l’aérien dont l’objectif est de développer un secteur économique puissant à l’image de celui qui a émergé en Chine il y a une décennie (…)
Safety Bulletin IFALPA: Operating Aircraft with Deactivated Brakes
Recently, IFALPA has become aware that some aircraft are intentionally being operated with deactivated brakes or without a fully operational braking system. This Safety Bulletin highlights the potential safety consequences of these types of operations and presents some recommendations.
Joint Press Release IFALPA-IFATCA-ITF : International Aviation Organizations Condemn Workplace Harassment and Violence
The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA), the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA), and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), are united in their condemnation of all forms of workplace harassment and violence. Workplace harassment happens in all sectors, all global regions, and in all industries. However, in a world shifting rapidly towards total condemnation of workplace harassment, aviation often lags behind other industries. (...)
Position Paper IFALPA: Operational Experience in Fatigue Management Decision-Making
Proper fatigue management requires the use of operational experience to be incorporated into the decision-making process. IFALPA has identified that there is a need across the industry to standardize and discuss what the term “operational experience” means in practical implementation. While this paper addresses fatigue management, the topic also applies to broader safety management principles (...)
Position Paper IFALPA: Take-off Performance Considering Inversions
A rise of the OAT during climb-out at an inversion layer does happen often. Whenever there is a condition that the engines are operating at or close to the maximum flat rated temperature, a temperature rise leads to a loss of thrust. This can be in a range of 8-12% for a rise of 10°K (...)
Position Paper IFALPA: Weather Radar
There are multiple weather hazards that can be identified by a weather radar, e.g. thunderstorms, towering cumulus clouds, cumulonimbus clouds, clouds with potential icing, windshear. There is no plausible justification for an aircraft to be exposed to such hazards if it is carrying only crew and no passengers (...)
Position Paper IFALPA: Unapproved Techniques
It has been discovered that in past events, Operators have introduced techniques which were not in agreement with the Manufacturer’s recommendations. In one example, the NTSB determined1 "that the probable cause of this accident was the in-flight separation of the vertical stabilizer as a result of the loads beyond ultimate design that were created by the first officer’s unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs (...)
Position Paper IFALPA: Preflight Checks
Thorough preflight checks are crucial for flight safety to eliminate possible threats. The list given by ICAO covers significant items, but it is missing two essential subjects: The purity of fuel and the cover of pitot tubes and static ports.
Position paper: Individual Flotation Devices
Some Regulators allow seat cushions instead of life vests as individual flotation devices. This includes takeoffs and landings at coastal or near-coastal airports. When in water, especially when cold or turbulent, it is much more difficult to hold on to a cushion for an extended period than to keep floating with a life vest.