Briefing Leaflet ECA: Fuel management

Octobre 2022 - On 30 October 2022 new EASA fuel rules will come into effect (Regulation (EU) 2021/1296 and ED Decision 2022/005/R.). This publication provides you with an overview of the main changes and the consequences for the flight crew. The leaflet also includes a number of points of concerns.

ECA Summer Disruption Checklist

This Checklist has been compiled by ECA to draw attention to a number of safety-relevant issues that crews are likely to be faced with during a period where the European aviation system is expected to be strained to the maximum. It is not intended to supersede or replace individual company procedures and should be seen as an additional awareness tool to ensure safe, reliant, and efficient flight operations.

Press Release ECA/IFALPA : International Pilot Organizations Statement of Support for Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine intensifies, IFALPA and ECA stand in solidarity with the pilots, crew, and people of Ukraine: “We are deeply concerned for our Ukrainian friends and colleagues who are facing a Russian attack against their country, their freedom, and their people,” says Jack Netskar, IFALPA President (...)

Press Release ECA/IFALPA on Tensions in Eastern Europe

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) and the European Cockpit Association (ECA) are highly concerned with the situation of heightened tensions in Eastern Europe. The situation appears comparable to that of summer 2014, which led to the tragic downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 (...)

La Ligne n°675 de décembre 2021 est disponible

Alors que nous nous apprêtons à tourner la page de 2021, la rédaction de La Ligne vous propose de revenir sur les faits marquants de l’année dans sa traditionnelle rétrospective. Nous avons choisi cette année de nous focaliser plus particulièrement sur le pavillon français et sur les compagnies possédant une base en France. Entre espoirs et incertitudes quant à son avenir, c’est un secteur aérien convalescent qui reprend peu à peu ses marques. Dans ce numéro 675, nous revenons également sur les temps forts de la conférence de l’European Cockpit Association (ECA) qui fêtait à cette occasion ses 30 ans (...)